(Frankie) #1

  1. What job I have? What do I do now? The client’s options: becomes aware of
    circumstances, looks around, analyses.

    • What do I do now?

    • What have I been doing?

    • What would I like to do?

    • What I do not like to do?

  2. What do I have to do? What can I do? What does the market offer? The client’s
    options: thinks about what he/she wants, needs, and can do; then get informed on
    what he/she could actually do as the labour market currently stands.

    • What can I do (aptitudes, competences, skills, abilities)?

    • What occupation types are available to me?

  3. What options or alternative I have? The client’s options: analyse each possibility,
    choose the one that fits best.

    • How can I find out more about the occupations I am interested in?

    • What occupation will I choose?

  4. What do I have to do? The client’s options: plan the way to implement the decision
    and act according to the plan.

    • What do I have to do in the chosen profession / occupation / work?

    • Where am I now in relation to the end?

    • How do I make an action plan?

Case study (four steps)

Mihai used to take summer jobs in constructions, and in the winter he would retire into
the woods. Ever since a boy, his grandfather had been taking him into the woods with
him and teaching him how to survive. Mihai did not have to work during the winter. He
made enough money during the summer to last him all year. He was not rich but lacked

One summer Mihai had an accident at work. The doctors told him he could no longer
work in constructions again, which meant finding another income source. He then paused
and considered the alternatives he had. Talking to a counsellor from the employment
agency, Mihai mentioned his pleasure of walking in the woods. He was then
recommended to a forester course that allowed him to find employment. Somebody
suggested he could be a guide for equestrian mountain tourism, but he stayed with the
first option.

Initially Mihai was stressed by having to go back to school, spend time at a desk, etc. but
he inquired and found out the training programme would last less than 9 months.
Consequently he chose to enrol. And he planned to begin in the autumn. On receiving
permission from the doctor, Mihai begun the work in his new job.

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