d. counselling and guidance for proficient pupils;
e. counselling in personal matters;
f. counselling for teachers related to teaching / learning methodology.
Between 2003-2006 a team made up of researchers and practitioners in the field drew up
and continuingly improved the Counselling and guidance curricula for:
- 1 to 4th grade
- 5 th to 8th grade
- 9 th and 10th grade
- 11 th and 12 th grade
- vocational schools, 9th and 10th grade
- vocational schools, 11th grade, completion grade
- technological high schools, grades 11th and 12 th
The new curricula are focused on a model associating competence and contents,
contributing to the development of key competences set at the European level (Barcelona,
2002) and especially the following aspects:
- Interpersonal, intercultural, social and civic competences.
- “Learning to learn”.
- Entrepreneurial culture.
- Information and communication technology (ICT).
The Counselling and guidance curriculum includes the following thematic modules,
found in each year of study of the three cycles: primary, secondary, and high school:
- Self-knowledge and personal development
- Communication and social skills
- Information and learning management
- Career planning
- Lifestyle quality