(Frankie) #1

Method evaluation

The Kuder inventory is an important working instrument in a counsellor’s activity. The
rather large number of questions ensures a high reliability of the vocational profiles and
consequently the related counselling is more plausible to the client.

It is of interest to mention that longitudinal studies performed on the predictive (and
persuasive) values of KOIS show that 51% of the clients who have completed these
instruments have found employment and their job is among the first five recommended
by the counsellor on the basis of the results suggested in the Inventory.


Brown, F. G. (1982). Review of the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey, Form DD. In: J.
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instruments. Falls Church, VA: National Vocational Guidance Association.

Cottle, W. C. (1968). Interest and Personality Inventories. Boston, Houghton-Mifflin.

Cottle, W. C.; Downie, N. M. (1960). Procedures and Preparation for Counseling.
Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Herr, E. L. (1989). Review of the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey, Form DD. In: J. C.
Conoley and J. J. Kramer (eds). Tenth mental measurements yearbook. Lincoln,
NE: Buros Institute, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Hunt, T. (1984). Review of the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey, Form DD. In: D. J.
Keyser and R. C. Sweetland (eds). Test critique. Vol. I. Kansas City, MO: Test
Corporation of America.

Jepsen, D. A. (1988). Review of the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey, Form DD. In: J.
T. Kapes and M. M. Mastic (eds). A counselor’s guide to career assessment
instruments. Alexandria, VA: National Career Development Association.

Jepsen, D. J. (1985). Review of the Kuder Occupational Interest Survey, Form DD. In:
Measurement and Evaluation in Guidance. 17, p. 217-219.

Kapes, J.; Mastie, M. M.; Whitfield, E. A. (1994). A counselor’s guide to career
assessment instruments. (3rd ed). Alexandria, VA: National Career Development

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