- time-consuming organization;
- stands of various exhibitors’ profiles;
- in most cases, organized regionally and nationally;
- significant costs with the organization, ensuring exhibit materials, flyer
printing, etc.
Consiliere educaţională (2001). A. B ăban, (coord.). Cluj Napoca, Editura Imprimeria
Consilierea carierei adulţilor (2003). M. Jigău, (coord.). Bucureşti, Editura Afir.
Frankland, A.; Sanders, P. (1999). Next Steps in counselling. Trowbridge, Wilts, UK,
Editura PCCS Books Ltd, Llangarron Ross-on-Wye, Redwood Books
Hough, M. (1998). Counselling Skills and Theory. Tottenham, Hodder and Stoughton
Jigău, M. (2001). Consilierea carierei. Bucure şti, Editura Sigma.
Kottman, M. (1995). Guidance and Counselling in the Elementary and Middle Schools. A
Practical Approach. Madison, Wisconsin, Dubuque, Iowa, Brown
Communications, Inc.
Sanders, P. (1999). First steps in counselling. Trowbridge, Wilts, UK, Editura PCCS
Books Ltd, Llangarron Ross-on-Wye, Redwood Books.
Tom şa, G. (1999). Consilierea şi orientarea în şcoală. Bucureşti, Casa de Editură Viaţa
Watts, A. G.; Law, B.; Killeen, J.; Kidd, Jennifer; Hawthorn, Ruth (1996). Rethinking
Careers Education and Guidance. London and NY: Routlege, Taylor and Francis
http://edukacja.mtp.pl (International Education Fair, Poland )
http://iceberg.1educat.ro (The First Site of Educational Offers, Romania)
http://www.careers-for-life.co.uk (Information on education and career, England)
http://www.ecareer.ro (Career fair for young professionals and dynamic companies).
http://www.Europertners.gr (International Education Fair, Greece)
http://www.gaudeamus.ro (The Education Fair, Romania)