(Frankie) #1

A Job Club targets maximum independence of the participants by making them aware of
their own aptitude resources, making them practice and develop these aptitude resources,
and acquiring efficient techniques of active search for a job and negotiation with potential

Occasionally under different names, the group technique of Job Club gives participants
the opportunity to create or develop their own contact network, while at the same time
being a support group when the number and/or the complexity of obstacles cause
frustration that might lead to blockage or delay in attaining the aims. In order to
overcome such situations, participants may be instructed in coping strategies
(Frydenberg, 2004).

A Job Club will have a binary structure, combining the theoretical training in using job
search strategies (assessment of interests, aptitudes and needs, providing the necessary
information, etc.), with practical applications in workshops (interview simulations,
contacting companies by telephone in order to get an appointment for an interview,
supervising and feedback, etc).

Suggestions for the organization of a Job Club


A Job Club may be structured as a homogeneous group (e.g. persons who want to start
working again after a period of staying at home for various reasons, persons that were
made redundant in restructured companies, young graduates, etc.) or as a heterogeneous
group consisting of individuals in various situations, whose unique common feature is the
need or wish to find a job.

Nevertheless, studies indicate a preference for heterogeneous groups, showing that the
maximum efficiency of the group is conditioned, among others, by the diversity of its
members, as a mirroring of real life situations in a mixed society made up of differently
structured personalities.

Number of participants

Experts recommend any variant between 2 and 30 participants (function of existing
conditiones: space, activity type, etc.).


Azrin’s initial model was phased throughout 3 weeks, with 4 hours a day allotted to
theoretical training and 2 hours a day for practicum (practicing and developing specific

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