(Frankie) #1

The average score is 500. Some two thirds of high school and university students obtain
scores between 400 and 600.

Similarity to College Students

The JVIS profile is compiled based on investigating over 10000 students, enrolled in
more than 150 university fields. This has made necessary that the fields be classified in
17 large academic groups. Each group was formed based on similar patterns of interests
obtained from JVIS scores both by men and women.

The report presented to the client in this chapter will contain a three-column table:

  • score (sub-unitary, positive and negative values);

  • similarity (degree of resemblance between the client’s interest pattern and
    certain university fields which vary on the following scale: very similar,
    similar, moderately similar, neutral, different);

  • 17 major academic groups:
     agribusiness and economics
     art and architecture
     behavioural science
     communication arts
     computer science
     environmental resource management
     food sciences
     health services and science
     health, physical education and recreation
     mathematical sciences
     performing arts
     social science, justice and politics
     social service

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