(Frankie) #1

  • some people reach certain conclusions on the basis of a limited number of
    incidents and then apply them to many other situations with which they beare
    no connection (over-generalization);

  • some people distort events and certain situations much below / above their
    real significance (minimization and maximization);

  • some people relate certain events and situations to themselves with no
    argument or logic (personalization);

  • some people place all their experience in opposite categories (dichotomist

All the situations mentioned above significantly perturb the thinking and install a “circle”
in the process of analysing and solving current problems: dysfunctional thoughts do not
support problem solving, and the inability to find solutions to problems strengthens
dysfunctional thinking. The solution is breaking out of this circle through “cognitive
restructuring therapy”, seen as an active process (accompanied by empathic warmth),
directive (but non-possessive), based on confidentiality and trust, bounded in time and
centred on mending the dysfunctional way of thinking. This cognitive restructuring
process implies learning in a supportive environment, self-observation of the negative and
automatic thinking, examination of personal thoughts in certain situations and confronting
them with aspects of reality, positive implication of emotions in behavioural
reconstruction (having as consequence self-strengthening and self-perpetuation).

The steps recommended by the authors to efficiently use CTI:

  • initial interview with clients to obtain information on them and their context
    of life;

  • preliminary evaluation to obtain quantitative data on the client’s problems;

  • identifying problems and analysing their causes so as to start understanding
    the problems and the reasons behind them;

  • formulating objectives to diminish the gap between reality and the client’s
    image of the reality;

  • developing an individual learning and action plan by identifying sequences
    to follow, resources and activities to carry out;

  • putting the plan into practice and supporting clients to carry out the tasks

  • retrospective analysis of the situation, generalization , conclusions.

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