Watercolor Artist - USA (2019-08)

(Antfer) #1

12 Watercolor artist | AUGUST 2019


Dropping In

Experiment with this unexpected art tool to create
impressionistic painting effects.

By Kathy Collins


his past year I was sidelined
due to illness, but was never-
theless anxious to continue
painting while in recovery. My
endurance was limited, so I needed
a new, faster way of working. Even
though I already painted in a rapid,
loose style, I needed to shorten my

Lauren With a Puzzle
(watercolor on paper, 11x14)

painting time to stay within my
energy allowance.

Th at was when I pulled out a set of
Dr. Ph. Martin’s radiant concentrated
watercolors—paints sold in small

glass bottles with eyedroppers—and
decided to paint directly using the
dropper instead of a brush. I didn’t
dilute the paint; instead, I used it full
strength to achieve very dark values.
Referring to a sketch I previously
had made from a live model session,
I started to draw directly on the
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