Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

time to pass through youth. That such is the effect of too
much Sun is shown by the rapidity of growth at the tropics,
where maturity and old age are reached much sooner than in
the north. On the other hand had the Moon remained with
the Earth, man would have crystallized into a statue. The
separation of the Earth from the Sun, which now sends its
rays from a far distance, enables man to live at the proper
rate of vibration, to unfold slowly. The Moon-forces reach
him from the exact distance necessary to enable him to build
a body of the proper density. But although the latter forces
are active in the building of the form, they also cause death
when their continued work finally crystallizes the tissues of
the body.
The Sun works in the vital body and is the force which
makes for life, and wars against the death-dealing Moon

In this Epoch appeared the Archangels (the humanity of
Sun Period). and the Lords of Mind (the humanity of Saturn
Period). These Hierarchies were assisted by the Lords of
Form, who were given charge of the Earth Period. They
helped man to build his desire body, and the Lords of Mind
gave the germ of Mind to the greater part of the pioneers
who formed class 1, according to the classification in
diagram 10.
The Lords of Form vivified the Human spirit in as many
of the stragglers of the Moon Period as had made the
necessary progress in the three and one-half Revolutions
which had elapsed since the commencement of the Earth
Period, but at that time the Lords of Mind could not give
them the germ of Mind. Thus a great part of nascent

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