Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

what painful or terrifying experiences he endured,
everything was forgotten as soon as past. The above-
mentioned strenuous experiences were for the purpose of
developing memory, to imprint these violent and constantly-
repeated impacts from without upon the brain, because
memor y is necessary that the exp er iences of the past ma y b e
used as guides to Action.
The education of the girls developed the first germinal,
flickering memory. The first idea of good and evil was
formulated by them because of their experiences, which
worked chiefly on the imagination. Those experiences most
likely to leave a recollection were thought “Good;” those
which did not produce that much desired result were
considered “Evil.”
Thus woman became the pioneer in culture, being the
first to develop the idea of “a good life,” of which she
became the esteemed exponent among the ancients and in
that respect she has nobly led the vanguard ever since. Of
course, as all Egos incarnate alternately as male and female,
there is really no preeminence. It is simply that those who
for the time being are in a dense body of the feminine
gender have a positive vital body, and are therefore more
responsive to spiritual impacts than when the vital body is
negative as in the male.
As we ha ve s een, the Lemurian was a born ma gician. He
felt himself a descendant of the Gods, a spiritual being;
therefore his line of advancement was by gaining not
spiritual, butmaterial knowledge. The Temples of Initiation
for the most advanced did not need to reveal to man his high
origin; to educate him to perform feats of magic; to instruct
him how to function in the desire world and the higher
realms. Such instruction is necessary today because now the

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