Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Innocence, however, is not synonymous with Virtue.
Innocence is the child of Ignorance and could not be
maintained in a universe where the purpose of evolution is
the acquisition of Wisdom. To attain that end, a knowledge
of good and evil, right and wrong, is essential, also choice of
If, having knowledge and choice, man ranges himself on
the side of Good and Right he cultivates Virtue and
Wisdom. If he succumbs to temptation and does wrong
knowingly, he fosters vice.
God's plan is not to be brought to naught, however.
Every act is a seed-grou nd for the Law of Cons equ ence. We
reap what we sow. The weeds of wrong action bear flowers
of sorrow and suffering, and when the seeds from them have
fallen into a chastened heart, when they have been watered
by the tears of repentance Virtue will eventually blossom
forth. What blessed assurance, that out of every evil we do,
Good will eventually accrue, for in our Father’s Kingdom
naught but Good can endure.
Therefore, the “Fall” with its consequent pain and
suffering is but a temporary state where we see through a
glass darkly, but anon we shall behold again face to face the
God within and without, who is ever perceived by the pure
in heart.

This is cabalistically described as the experience of one
pair who, of course, represent humanity. The key is given in
the verse where the Messenger of the Gods says to the
woman, “in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children;” the clue
is also found in the sentence of death which was pronounced
at that same time.

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