Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

their turn, use them as stepping-stones on the path of
progress. Thus the old race bodies are used by Egosof
increasing inferiority, gradually degenerating until at last
there are no Egos low enough to profit by rebirth in such
bodies. The women become sterile and the race-forms die.
We may easily trace this process by certain examples.
The Teutonic-Anglo-Saxon race (particularly the American
branch of it) has a softer and more flexible body and a more
high-strung nervous system than any other race on earth at
the present time. The Indian and Negro have much harder
bodies and, because of the duller nervous system, are much
less sensitive to lacerations. An Indian will continue to fight
after receiving wounds the shock of which would prostrate
or kill a white man, whereas the Indian will quickly recover.
The Australian aborigines or Bushmen furnish an example
of a race dying out on account of sterility, notwithstanding
all that the British government is doing to perpetuate them.
It has been said by white men against the white race,
that wherever it goes the other races die out. The whites
have been guilty of fearful oppression against those other
races, having in many cases massacred multitudes of the
defenseless and unsuspecting natives—as witness the
conduct of the Spaniards towards the ancient Peruvians and
Mexicans, to specify but one of many instances. The
obligations resulting from such betrayal of confidence and
abuse of superior intelligence and power will all have to be
paid—yea, to the last, least iota!—by those incurring them.
It is equally true, however, that even had the whites not
massacred, starved, enslaved, expatriated and otherwise
maltreated those older races, the latter would nevertheless
have died out just as surely, though more slowly, because
such is the Law of Evolution—the Order of Nature. At some

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