Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

their soul-powers being like the forces of nature, they not
only named the objects around them, but in their words was
power over the things they named. Like the last of the
Lemurians, their Feelings as spirits inspired them, and no
harm was ever done to one another. To them the language
was holy, as the highest direct expression of the spirit. The
power was never abused or degraded by gossip or small talk.
By the use of definite language the soul in this race first
became able to contact the soul of things in the outside
The Tlavatlis were the second Atlantean Race. Already
they began to feel their worth as separate human beings.
They became ambitious, they demanded that their works be
remembered. Memory became a factor in the life of the
community. The remembrance of the deeds done by certain
ones would caus e a group of p eop le t o choos e as their leader
one who had done great deeds. This was the germ of
This remembrance of the meritorious deeds of great men
was carried even beyond the time when such leaders died.
Mankind began to honor the memory of ancestors and to
worship them and others who had shown great merit. That
was the beginning of a form of worship which is practiced to
this day by some Asiatics.
The Toltecs were the third Atlantean Race. They carried
still further the ideas of their predecessors, inaugurating
Monarchy and Hereditary Succession. The Toltecs
originated the custom of honoring men for the deeds done
by their ancestors, but there was then a very good reason for
so doing. Because of the peculiar training at that time, the
father had the power to bestow his qualities upon his son in
a way impossible to mankind at the present time.

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