Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

they were Leaders and Teachers. Man was left entir ely free
to seek them or not, as he desired.
At the end of our present Epoch the highest Initiate will
appear publicly, when a sufficient number of ordinary
humanity desire, and will voluntarily subject themselves to
such a Leader. They will thus form the nucleus for the last
Race, which will appear at the beginning of the Sixth Epoch.
After that time races and nations will cease to exist.
Humanity will form one spiritual Fellowship as before the
end of the Lemurian Epoch.
The names of the Races which have spread over the
Earth during the Fifth Epoch, up to the present time, are as

1.—The Aryan, which went south to India,
2.—The Babylonian-Assyrian-Chaldean.
3.—The Persian-Greco-Latin.
4.—The Celtic.
5.—The Teutonic-Anglo-Saxon (to which we belong).

From the mixture of the different nations now taking
place in the United States will come the “Seed” for the last
Race, in the beginning of the Sixth Epoch.
Two more Races will be evolved in our present Epoch,
one of them being the Slav. When, in the course of a few
hundred years, the Sun, because of the precession of the
equinoxes, shall have entered the sign Aquarius, the Russian
people and the Slav Races in general will reach a degree of
spiritual development which will advance them far beyond
their present condition. Music will be the chief factor in
bringing this about, for on the wings of music the soul which
is attuned may fly to the very Throne of God, where the

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