Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

and that he must “fear God,” or the Leader Who guided him.
Out of all who were chosen as “seed” for the new Race,
but few remained faithful. Most of them were rebellious and,
so far as they were concerned, entirely frustrated the purpose
of the Leader by intermarrying with the other Atlantean
Races, thus bringing inferior blood into their descendants.
That is what is mea nt in t he Bible wher e t he fact is recor ded
that the sons of God married the daughters of men. For that
act of disobedience were they abandoned and “lost.” Even
the faithful died, according to the body, in the Desert of
Gobi (the “Wilderness”) in Central Asia, the cradle of our
present Race. They reincarnated, as their own descendants
of course, and thus inherit ed the “Promis ed Land,” the Earth
as it is now. They are the Aryan Races, in whom Reason is
being evolved to perfection.
The rebellious ones who were abandoned are the Jews,
of whom the great majority are still governed more by the
Atlantean faculty of Cunning than by Reason. In them the
race-feeling is so strong that they distinguish only two
classes of people: Jews and Gentiles. They despise the other
nations and are in turn despised by them for their cunning,
selfishness and avarice. It is not denied that they give to
charity, but it is principally, if not exclusively, among their
own people and rarely internationally, as was done in the
case of the earthquake disaster in Italy, where barriers of
creed, race and nationality were forgotten in thehuman
feeling of sympathy.
In such cases as that and the San Francisco disaster, the
inner spiritual nature of man becomes more in evidence than
under any other circumstances, and the close observer may
then discern the trend of evolution. The fact then becomes
manifest that though in the stress of ordinary life our actions

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