Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

mercilessly rebuked them and predicted dire disaster, but
without avail.
As a final effort to persuade them to cast off the fetters
of Race, we have the seeming anomaly that the Leader of
the coming Race, the Great Teacher Christ, appeared among
the Jews. This still further shows the compassion and
Wisdom of the great Beings Who guide evolution. Among
all t he Races of t he Earth, none ot her was “lost” in t he same
sense as the Jews; none other so sorely needed help. To send
them a stranger, not one of their own Race, wou ld ha ve been
manifestly useless. It was a foregone conclusion that they
would have rejected him. As the great spirit known as
Booker T. Washington incarnated among the Negroes, to be
received by them as one of themselves, and thus enabled to
enlighten them as no white man could, so the great Leaders
hoped that the appearance of Christ among the Jews as one
of their own might bring them to accept Him and His
teachings and thus draw them out of the mes hes of the Race-
bodies. But sad it is to see how hu ma n preju dice can prevail.
“He came unto His own and” they chose Barabbas. He did
not glory in Abraham, nor any other of their ancient
traditions. He spoke of “another world,” of a new earth, of
Love and Forgiveness, and repudiated the doctrine of “an
eye for an eye.” He did not call them t o arms against Caesar;
had He done so, they would have hailed Him as a deliverer.
In that respect He was misunderstood even by His disciples,
who mourned as greatly over their vanished hope of an
earthly kingdom as over the Friend slain by Roman hands.
The rejection of Christ by the Jews was the supreme
proof of their thralldom to Race. Thenceforth all efforts to
save themas a whole by giving them special prophets and
teachers, were abandoned and, as the futility of exiling them

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