Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Hebrew isneshamah and means “soul”—not “life,” as it is
rendered in the King James version.
The Ego works directly through the blood. The Race-
spirit guides the Races by working in the blood, as the
group-spirit guides the animals of its species through the
blood. So also does the Ego control its own vehicle, but with
a difference.
The Ego operates by means of theheat of the blood,
while the Race (i.e., tribal, or family) spirit works by means
of theair, as it is drawn int o the lu ngs. That is why J ehovah,
or His messengers, “breathed into man's nostrils,” thereby
securing admission for the Race-spirit, Community-spirits,
The different classes of Race-spirits guided their peoples
to various climates and different parts of the Earth. To the
trained clairvoyant, a tribal-spirit appears as a cloud
enveloping and permeating the atmosphere of the whole
country inhabited by the people under its dominion. Thus
are produced the different peoples and nations. Paul spoke
of “The Prince of the Power of the Air”; or “principalities
and powers,” etc., showing that he knew of the Race-spirits,
but now not even an attempt is made to understand what
they mean, although their influence is strongly felt.
Patriotism is one of the sentiments emanating from and
fostered by them. It has not now so much power over people
as formerly. There are some who are being liberated from
the Race-spirit and can say with Thomas Paine, “The world
is my country.” There are those who can leave father and
mother and look upon all men as brothers. They are being
liberated from the Family-spirit, or spirit of the Clan which
is different from the race-spirit, an etheric entity. Others
again, who are deep in the t oils of the Race- or Family-spirit,

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