Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

husband the minim of energy which we may legitimately
expend upon ourselves, and to avoid waste of the scanty
moments at our disposal, that resignation from all other
Orders is insisted upon by the leaders.
The world is an aggregate of opportunities, but to take
advantage of any one of them we must possess efficiency in
a certain line of endeavor. Development of our spiritual
powers will enable us to help or harm our weaker brothers.
It is only justifiable when efficiency in Service of Humanity
is the object.
The Rosicrucian method of attainment differs from other
systems in one especial particular: It aims, even at the very
start, to emancipate the pupil from dependence upon others,
to make himSelf-Reliant in the very highest degree, so that
he may be able to stand alone under all circumstances and
cope with all conditions. Only one who is thus strongly
poised can help the weak.
When a number of people meet in a class or circle for
self-development alongNegative lines, result are usually
achieved in a short time on the principle that it is easier to
drift with the tide than to breast the current. The medium is
not master of his actions, however, but the slave of a spirit
control. Hence such gatherings must be shunned by
Even classes which meet in positive attitude of mind are
not advised by the Elder Brothers, because the latent powers
of all members are massed and visions of the inner worlds
obtained by anyone there, are partly due to the faculties of
ot hers. The heat of coal in t he cent er of a fir e is enha nced by
surrounding coals, and the clairvoyant produced in a circle,
be it ever so positive, is a hot-house plant, too dependent
himself to be trusted with the care of others.
Therefore each Probationer in the Rosicrucian

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