Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

seed atom Rupture there stops heart ................................... 98
Silver Cord not broken in any case where resuscitation
is accomplished ...............................................................102
Final rupture and its effect .....................................................102

Panorama viewed through negative pole of Reflecting
Ether just subsequent to death ..................................... 91, 101
Panorama is of varying length—what terminates it .................102
Panorama basis of pleasure and pain beyond ..........................108
How panorama may be eradicated by remission of sin ............111
Contrast between panorama of past life viewed after
death and a coming life seen prior to birth .........................130
The blood in each cycle through the heart engraves
panorama on seed atom ....................................................398

How and why suicide suffers for rash act ................................104
Why postmortem existence is first purgative ...........................104
How the miser is purged of avarice ........................................104
How drunkard is purged from his vice ....................................105
How each act in life automatically produces its just
reward or retribution ........................................................107
Duration of life in Purgatory ..................................................107
How we may escape Purgatory ..............................................111
Children go through Purgatory to First Heaven at once ...........117
Conscience: the fruitage of Purgatory .....................................119

BORDERLAND; a pitiable state of existence between
Heaven and Purgatory, and who goes there .............................112

A place of happiness, the measure determined by our
own previous benevolence expressed in Panorama ............114
The ethics of true benevolence ...............................................115

This is the realm of tone .........................................................122
Assimilation of soul power generated in past life ....................123
Preparation for new earth life .................................................124
Building new environment and new body ....................... 125, 128
Panorama of a new life as chosen by Ego ...............................129

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