Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

sponges, and of the fourth World, the World of Life Spirit,
as being the water in a large vessel where these thr eefold
separate sponges swim, we shall understand that as the water
in the vessel fills the space between the sponges and
percolates through them, so the World of Life Spirit
pervades interplanetary space and interpenetrates the
individual planets. It forms a common bond between them,
so that as it is necessary to have a boat and b e able to control
it, if we wish to sail from America to Africa, so it is
necessary to have a vehicle correlated to the World of Life
Spirit under our conscious control in order to be able to
travel from one planet to another.
In a manner similar to that in which the World of Life
Spirit correlates us to the other planets in our own solar
system does the World of Divine Spirit correlate us to the
other solar systems. We may regard the solar systems as
separate sponges, swimming in a World of Divine Spirit,
and thus it will be apparent that in order to travel from one
solar system to another it would be necessary to be able to
function consciously in the highest vehicle of man, the
Divine Spirit.

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