Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Reason to be superseded by Love in New Galilee ...................311
Appeal to students' reason ......................................................... 9
Rosicrucian teachings endeavor to satisfy reason ....................439

Mold the vital body; impress panorama of coming life
thereon and place it in womb of mother ............................135
They bring each being to birth at the auspicious moment
when the stellar influences will give it conditions
requisite to its next step in unfoldment ..............................161
They also force the expiation ofmature destiny .............. 136, 161

The evolution of Religion (chapter) ........................................367
Why different Religions are necessary to different people .......371
The four steps in Religion through fear, avarice,
love and duty ...................................................................303
Mistake of seeking a foreign religion ......................................308
Why the Bible, to be adequate to the needs of the
Western World, must contain BOTH the Jewish religion
of the old Testament and the Christian religion
of the New ........................................................308, 314, 315
Paul asserts there is an allegorical meaning to the
Bible (yet it is only to be interpreted by who cansee—
2 Peter 1:20). Both Paul and Christ gave an
esoteric teaching to “the few” ............................................319
Why earliest Religions taught the doctrine of Rebirth
and Christianity does not specially feature it .....................167
The purpose of Jehovistic Race religions is to
curb thedesire nature that the intellect may
gain scope .........................................................334, 395, 433
The purpose of the Christian Religion is to spiritualize
thevital body by love and prayer .......................433, 435, 463
The Religion of the Father will spiritualize the
dense body and restore Unity .....................................435-436

One of the seven schools of the lesser Mysteries .....................438
Christian Rosenkreuz and the Philosopher's Stone ..................515
Initiation, the Order of the Rose Cross and
The Rosicrucian Fellowship .............................................519

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