Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

TEMPTATION; purpose of temptation .................................. 110, 282
A fallacy not to be confused with rebirth ................................157

TRANCE brings one in touch with subconscious mind ...................149

Cost of the faculty of thought .................................................270
Thought and the faculty of expression are the highest
human privileges ..............................................................236
Cunning was developed in early Atlantis ................................309
Difficulty of transmuting cunning to reason ............................310
Thought first developed by Original Semites who
were our progenitors ................................................ 299, 309
What impels man to think ......................................................285
How an idea becomes a thought .............................................. 88
How thoughts are generated, ensouled and projected ................ 89
Thought impressed upon brain centers through
Reflecting Ether ........................................................... 38, 89
How thoughts are impressed upon the conscious memory ........ 90
How thoughts are impressed upon the subconscious
memory; “like chickens coming home to roost”. ................ 91
The effect of the twin forces and feelings on thought ............... 89
Thought transmission; how accomplished ................................ 90
Thought, the supreme reality ................................................... 28
The World of Thought where thoughts are generated .......... 48, 88
The Physical World where we are schooled in the right
use of thought ................................................................... 33
The elevating influence of abstract thought .............................203
How animals think though lacking mind .................................. 70

VESUVIUS eruptions the result of materialism ..............................510

Not synonymous with innocence; it predicates knowledge
and choice .......................................................................282

Solar energy specialized through spleen ............................. 63, 68
How used by Ego to operate muscles ....................................... 89
How it expels deleterious microbes from system ...................... 63
How obstructed flow of vital force causes sleep ....................... 93

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