Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Is preeminently the realm of light and color; forms are
extremely unstable but tone is sweeter than here, yet not
native to this world ..........................................................119
The luminous desire-stuff is disposed in seven regions or
states of varying density as force-matter ............................ 39
Purgatory is in the three densest states of the Desire World,
the First Heaven in the three upper and between
them a Borderland of monotony .......................................112
The twin forces and twin feelings of the Desire World ............. 42

One of the twin forces of the Desire World tending to purge
us from evil and destroy it ................................................. 43
It is dominant in the three lower regions .................................. 42
Illustration of its operation ...................................................... 46
How it operates in our thought activity .................................... 89

One of the twin forces of the Desire World .............................. 42
Attraction builds virtue when Repulsion has shattered vice ...... 47
Illustration of its operation ...................................................... 46
Its influence on our thought activity ........................................ 89
Heredity discounted ...............................................................156

That twin feeling indigenous to the 4th region of
the Desire World ............................................................... 45
Illustration of their operation .............................................. 46, 89
How mathematics raises one above the realm of feeling ..........203

It is preeminently the sphere of music ortone, ascolor is
indigenous to the Desire World andform to the
Physical World ................................................................119
The Great Silence is the portal to this realm of Sound .............122
The Region of Concrete Thought embraces the four
densest subdivisions where Archetypes and Archetypal
Forces are forming matter ............................................ 49, 50
The Region of Abstract Thought comprises the three
highest subdivisions where ideas are generated .................. 51
Diagram of the Seven Worlds ................................................. 54

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