Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Location of the seven globes, they were water and the
atmosphere was a steamy fire-fog .....................................213
There were three elements; fire, air and water ................. 234, 328
The Bible describes the dense water and fire-fog ....................328
Man-in-the-making went through a period of animal-like
existence; he had internal picture consciousness
like dreams ......................................................................217
At that time the divine consciousness of the spirit was
entirely obscured self-consciousness incipient ...................216
Lords of Individuality reconstruct dense and vital bodies,
skeleton, muscles and nerves had inception .......................214
Lords of Individuality give desire body as a thought form,
Seraphim awaken human spirit ..........................................215
Moon beings hung suspended in atmosphere and had
horizontal spines like animals now ...................................228
A division of the globe took place at close of Moon
Period and smaller part became satellite ............................218
Origin of birds' migrations and honeymoon trips .....................219
The divided parts merged in Cosmic Night between Moon
and Earth Periods .............................................................220
List of classes which started in Moon Period ..........................226
The Angels were human then and work now with plant,
animal and man ........................................................ 222, 349
Present plants were minerals then, parasites are
stragglers ................................................................. 227, 228
Lucifer Spirits are stragglers from life wave of Angels ............286

We have made 3 1/2 revolutions of the Earth Period ...............199
The nadir of densityin our evolution was reached here on
earth, but there are worlds denser still ....................... 199, 233
We have now four elements ...................................................234
Bible description of recapitulations ........................................329
Reconstruction of dense body to adapt it to mind ....................239
Reconstruction of vital body by Angels ..................................240
Desire body reconstructed by Archangels ...............................242
Mind was given by Lords of Mind .........................................222

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