Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Mind was unfolded by food ...................................................166
Atlantean Epoch, the 6th day of Creation ................................322
Inner heart of globe and outer cold gave foggy atmosphere .....291
Inearly Atlantis man had aninner perception, but did
not seeoutward things clearly ..........................................293
When later atmosphere cleared he lost touch with
spiritual world ..................................................................294

(1)The Rmoahals
Developed sensation, could feel pleasure, pain, sympathy
and antipathy; their world had magic power ......................294
(2)The Tlavatlis
Became ambitious, remembered great deeds of leaders,
developed germ of royalty ................................................295
(3)The Toltecs
Started monarchy Hereditary succession was reasonable then,
as father could transfer faculties to son .............................296
(4)The Original Turanians
Abused power over lower classes; were idolaters ....................297
(5)The Original Semites
They were a chosen people, the seed race
for Aryan races ........................................................ 298, 334
They were to evolve thought and were the last race
forbidden to marry outside family ............................. 299, 355
But some did that and are the present Jews ..............309, 335, 355
Then the atmosphere cleared and water filled seas ..................300
The Gods withdrew, giving man free will and making
him responsible to Law of Consequence ................... 301, 355
(6)The Akkadians and
(7)The Mongolians
Evolved thought farther, but became unadaptable ...................303

How patriotism has retarded their progress .............................313
And why Christ was born a Jew .............................................313

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