Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Aryan Epoch (cont.)
pioneers of humanity in, initiated in, 304.
present Epoch, 165.
seventh day of creation, 333.
thought and reason developed by man in, 298, 309.
two classes in, 304.
wine given to man in, 168.
work of man begins in, 333.
Aryan Races, central Asia, the cradle of, 301, 304, 310.
descendants of Original Semites, 304.
names of, 305.
pioneers of human life wave, 342.
seven, 307.
two more to come, 311.
Ash, our food should contain very little, 449.
Asiatics and ancestor worship, 295.
Asteroids, fragments of moons, 260.
Aspirant, accomplishes union with higher self, 465.
continence practiced by, 471, 538.
cultivates concentration, 483, 487.
first work of the conquest of desire body, 433.
highest step of, is adoration, 495.
learns much by meditation, 489.
impossible for teacher to overlook, 495-496, 525.
must avoid flesh, 446.
must cultivate contemplation, 494.
must cultivate even temper, 463.
must have confidence in his teacher, 440.
must practice discrimination, 493.
must practice observation, 492.
to learn to leave body at will, 484.
unselfishness required of, 474, 476.
works consciously to attain, 437.
Assimilation, all sustenance overcome by, 457.
carried on by positive forces of chemical ether, 35.
forces of, the so-called dead, 457.
in childhood by macrocosmic vital body, 139.
Law of, 457-460.
of animal food, injurious, 458.
of mineral, by plant, 458.
of mineral leaves injurious waste product, 457.
osmosis of Hyperborean Epoch, 263.
of vegetables, easy and nourishing, 458.
Astral body,see Desire Body.
Astral World,see Desire World,
Astrology, and rulership of day of week, 411.
based upon Law of Causation, 161.

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