Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

of early peoples, 278, 281, 295.
to be spoken by larynx, 363, 425.
Creator, heaven experience aids man to become, 28, 126, 338,
nebular theory requires, 323.
of universe, necessity for, 129.
Cremation, premature, 98.
rationality of, 103.
Crimes against dying, 101.
Critical point in evolution, 229, 231, 235, 401.
Criticism and esoteric training, 439-440.
should be constructive, 493.
must be impersonal, 493.
to be turned upon oneself, 493.
Cross stripes of heart, 396.
Cross symbolizes four kingdoms, 86.
symbolizes man’s development, 534.
Crucifixion, of Savior, 406-407.
Crystallization, and planetary evolution, 263.
begins at pole of planet, 263.
moon forces produce, 265.
of spirit causes matter, 72, 248.
Cunning developed by original Semites, 299.
first form of reason, 299.
mental characteristic of Jews, 310.
produced by union of mind with desire body, 298.
transmuted to reason, 309.
Currents, flowing through moon beings, 217.
Cycle of life, 146.

Damnation, Christian doctrine of, 229.
state of inertia, 231.
Dark ages, spiritually bright, 409.
volcanic eruptions during, 510.
Dark Globes, 208.
Days of creation, 327-333, 411-425.
Days of week, 411.
Dead, disposition of, 103.
help the living, 126.
work with man, 126, 457.
Death, accompanied by loss of weight, 99.
and purgatory, 96-112.
Death (cont.)
beneficial, 244.
by drowning, 61, 102.
by freezing, 61.

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