Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

reconstructed in Sun Period, 211.
replacement of atoms, 97.
requires will and imagination, 284.
seed atom of, in heart, 97.
sense centers of, 211.
shape of, determined by vital body, 60.
silver cord, one part sprouts from seed atom, 10.
spiritualization of, 124, 435.
temple of living God, 171.
vehicle of life dwelling in, 235.
will be absorbed by divine spirit, 424.
wonderful mechanism of, 76, 237.
Density, different worlds vary in, 29.
Desert of Gobi, 335.
Desire battles with conscience, 89.
binds disembodied to earth, 103.
detains ego in postmortem progress, 163.
exists as archetype, 50.
incentive to action, 464.
not altered after death, 103.
Desire Body, abandoned by ego in First Heaven, 120.
absence of, denies emotion, 64.
activities of, during waking hours, 92.
apparent expansion of, after death, 108.
archangels expert builders of, 349.
archangels work in, 243.
assumes body’s shape after death, 66.
birth of, marks puberty, 142.
brain and nervous system highest expressions of, 353.
can be conquered by concentration, 463.
capable of separation, 482.
centers of, 483.
changes wrought by spirit, 66.
checks excessive growth, 142.
coalesces with mind in Atlantis, 298.
conscience etched into, 109.
constitution of, 66.
controls generation of white corpuscles, 455.
counterpart of emotional soul, 96.
counterpart of human spirit, 404.
craves alcohol, 105.
currents of, forced through liver, 69.
currents of, in cold-blooded animals, 69.
Desire Body, (cont.)
currents of, in individualized spirit, 68
destroys dense body, 92.
difference in animals, 65, 69, 77.

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