Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

climate of, altered by man, 125.
command to replenish, 332.
constitution of, 498-514.
core of, gained by first Great Initiation, 502.
created from “ever-existing essence”, 322.
dead work upon, 125.
density of coming epoch, 311.
density of present epoch, 410.
densest globe is, 233.
desire body of, penetrated by Mars, 268.
development of, 165.
effect of harvest upon, 505.
effect of sun and moon upon, 265.
entered by Christ, 403, 407.
evolution of, 361, 404.
flooded with spiritual light at crucifixion, 407.
flora and fauna of, worked upon by dead, 125.
generated by heat and moisture, 330.
group spirits ruled, 351.
in fourth stage of consolidation, 410.
investigation of, difficult, 498.
iron of, released from Martian control, 268.
keynote of, 123.
knowledge of, from initiation, 498, 502.
lesser regents of, 182.
man inhabited, before Adam, 332.
man’s evolution, beginning of, 263.
models of, in Region of Concrete Thought, 125.
moon expelled from, 264.
not “without form and void” in the beginning, 327.
only partially confines Christ, 408.
only planet of man’s evolution, 275.
rebirths of, 190, 412.
regent of, 408.
school of experience, 132.
seismic disturbances of, 125.
seismic phenomena of, 498.
sensations in sixth stratum, 506.
slow vibrations of, pain Christ Spirit, 408.
soft in Polarian Epoch, 166.
strata of, 503-511.
surface of, reconstructed by man, 125.
third movement of, 512-513.
Earth, (cont.)
thrown off from sun, 259, 263, 403.
vehicles diffused with Christ’s, 406.
vehicles have feeling, 65, 210, 505.

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