Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

had pure mind, 378.
had trod the path for ages, 378.
immaculate conception of, 378.
knew his destiny, 382.
not Egyptian Initiate, 379.
seed atom of physical body of, returned after
crucifixion 408.
record of incarnations of, in Memory of Nature, 378.
taught disciples after crucifixion, 409.
“the only begotten Son of God” three distinct Beings, 374.
worked upon Initiates of middle ages, 409.
Jesus Christ,see Christ Jesus.
Jesus of Egyptian Initiation, 379.
Jews aided by America, 315.
American born most progressive, 315.
and mission of Christ, 313.
Archangel Michael, race spirit of, 334, 405.
as Abraham’s seed, 352.
cunning, mental trait, 310.
Jehovah concerned with, 334.
lost tribes of, 310, 314, 335.
not led out of Egypt, 335.
of pre-Christian era, 351.
pride of race crystallizes, 306, 312-313.
prohibited from eating blood, 349.
rebellion of, 310.
rejection of Christ caused dispersion, 314.
wandering in wilderness, 335.
John and Elijah, 169, 405.
John, St., symbolizes the Venus Initiation, 502.
Joseph, high Initiate, 378.
Judas Iscariot, 502.
Juices in vegetables, 37.
Jupiter field of evolution for advanced beings, 259.
and its “eighth sphere” moon, 259.
retains heat, 258.
third planet thrown off sun, 258.
Jupiter Period, deception impossible in, 70, 418.
divine spirit absorbs conscious soul in, 425.
divine spirit absorbs human spirit, 428.
earth will become etheric in, 199.
five elements, 234.
Jupiter Period, (cont.)
forces of dense body added to vital body, 422.
first Great Initiation gives key to, 502.
globes of, like Moon Period, 199.
good and evil segregated in, 418.

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