Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

method of working of, 89-91.
mirror or focus of matter and spirit, 266.
most important instrument of spirit, 425.
mystery of, revealed by first Great Initiation, 502.
necessity of, 57, 75, 298.
of child who dies, etc., 117, 172.
open, advantages of, 7.
organs of, undeveloped, 75.
prayer for, 435, 464.
race religions given to emancipate, 395.
resolved into threefold spirit essence, 129.
to attain creative perfection in Vulcan Period, 422.
to be absorbed by divine spirit, 428.
to create living, growing forms in Jupiter Period, 427.
to create living, growing, feeling things in Venus Period, 427.
to create living, growing, feeling, thinking things in
Vulcan Period, 427.
unfolded by man, 166.
union of, with heart, 18.
unorganized, 75, 76, 481.
use of, 57, 75, 298.
waking activities tear down body, 92.
wedded to desire, 395.
Minds, Lords of,see Lords of Mind.
Mind stuff, basis for thought, 30.
manner of selection of, 133.
Mineral, all gases are, 166.
becomes human in Vulcan Period, 428.
compared to man, 56.
consciousness is that of trance, 85.
entered evolution in Earth Period, 232, 428.
group spirit of, in Region of Abstract Thought, 74, 85.
has no feelings, 65.
inert, due to lack of finer vehicles, 58.
lack of conscious activity in, 58.
latest life wave in Earth Period, 74, 428.
lowest ether only active in, 58.
planetary ether envelops, 58.
present humanity works with, 427, 428.
responds to impacts without consciousness, 32.
will reach human stage in Vulcan Period, 342.
Mineral state, forms of stragglers go back to, 343.
breaking of, gives Earth Spirit pleasure, 65.
Mining operations give feeling of relief to Earth Spirit, 505-506.
Missing link, 342.
Mission of Christ, 367-410.
Missionaries, foreign, 163, 308.

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