Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

life of seed of, withheld by group spirit, 461.
of Hyperborea, 331.
of today moulded from Hyperborean, 331.
only chemical and life ethers active in, 58.
remains of, found in polar region, 512.
started evolution in Moon Period, 226, 427.
vital body of, built by angels, 222, 349.
will reach human stage in Venus Period, 342.
Plato’s theory of world soul, 85.
story of Atlantis, 291.
Pliny the Elder, 510, 511.
elder, 510-511.
Pneumogastric nerve, 398.
Poems, (quoted).
Chambered Nautilus. Oliver Wendell Holmes, 159.
Creed or Christ. Max Heindel, 3.
Dying and bringing to birth. Johann von Goethe, 249.
I am the Voice of the Voiceless. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, 460.
One Ship Sails East. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, 163.
Sun intones his ancient song. Johann von Goethe, 119.
Though Christ a Thousand Times Be Born.
Angelus Silesius, 389.
Vision of Sir Launfal. James Russell Lowell, 115, 116.
When self-control he gains. Johann von Goethe, 137.
Who is the Grail? Richard Wagner, 389.
Poets inspired in Heaven World, 120.
Poetry soul’s expression of feeling, 119-120.
Polarian Epoch (first), 261-262, 330-331.
dense body in, 165, 263.
earth and man ethereal in, 165.
evolution of earth during, 261.
function of pineal gland in, 261.
humanity evolves in a fiery condition, 261.
man of, mineral-like, 165, 261.
mankind confined to polar region of sun, 261.
mentioned in Bible, 330.
recapitulation of Saturn Period, 263.
reproduction of man in, 262.
Polyps, last degeneration of mammals, 343.
Possessions, worldly, a source of worry, 386.
Power, first aspect of Supreme Being, 178, 374.
Power, in words, 295.
an aspect of Supreme Being, 178, 181.
“Powers of Darkness”, 222.
Prayer and concentration, 463.
Lord’s Prayer, 435, 462-466.
misuse of, 386, 434.

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