Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

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of those born of God, 538.
Seed-Race, but few of, remained faithful, 310.
under care of Jehovah, 334.
Seeing not synonymous with knowing, 25.
Seer, true aim of, 68.
Seismic phenomena, scientists seek physical causes of, 498.
Self and Not-Self, 358.
Self-assertion, mainspring of repulsion, 45.
Self-consciousness, object of descent into matter, 189, 216.
possession of, enabled man to exercise will, 166.
until attainment of, man led by higher beings, 166.
Self-cultivation necessary, 384, 393-394.
Selfhood, conversion of, into selfishness, 397.
Self-mastery, 273, 537-538.
Selfishness routed by altruism, 368.
Semi-circular canals, 126.
Semites, original,see Atlantean races (subhead, Original
Sensation due to separate vital body, 504.
of earth exists in fiery stratum, 504-506.
Sense Organs, ability to develop, given in Saturn Period, 206.
of genius, 155, 161.
to be outgrown in future, 262.
Sense perception, Lemurian had at birth, 276.
through light ether, 36.
Senses, higher, dormancy of, 24.
Sensitives, stragglers or pioneers, 241.
Separateness, limitation of life by form, 247.
Separation of sexes,see Sex separation.
Septuagint, 320.
Seraphim, aid man voluntarily, 215.
awakened germ of human spirit, 215, 221, 228.
did not aid in creating form, 326.
not mentioned in Creation Story, 326.
passed to liberation, 220-221, 326.
worked in Moon Period, 215, 221, 228.
Serpentine Path of evolution, 413, 414.
Seven Spirits before Throne,see Planetary spirits.
Seven unspeakable secrets, 506.
Sex, alternation of, from life to life, 160.
current necessary to work in inner worlds, 478.
determined by life ether, 36.
origin and end of, 364.
Sex Force, abuse of, prompted by Lucifers, 287.
aspirant must conserve, 471.
half of, feeding brain, 285, 467.
manifestation of, in inner worlds, 267.

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