Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

evolved by spirit within, 424.
spiritualized product of bodies, 95, 96, 424, 435.
Souls, transmigration of, no basis for, 158.
Sound builds climate, flora, and fauna, 125.
in Second Heaven as color, 124.
in Second Heaven builds bodies, 124.
music of spheres, 119, 122.
power of, 122, 181, 369.
vibrations of, change form, 122, 369.
Sound, harmonious, factor in amalgamation, 124.
rhythmic, creative power of universe, 181.
Sounds of Nature, Earth’s “tone”, 123.
in Lemuria, 276-277.
Space, non-existent in higher worlds, 29.
significance of, 247.
uncrystallized spirit, 249.
Spectrum, invisible colors of, 253.
and seven rays of virgin spirit, 439.
Speech in Jupiter Period, 234.
Lemurian considered most holy, 278.
Spermatozoon embodies human will, 284.
Spheres, music of, 119, 122.
Spinal cord, Lucifers work in, 361.
Spine, vertical, required by ego, 86, 236.
Spiral, evolutionary path is, 151, 152, 227, 413.
of attainment, 420.
prevents duplication, 227, 428.
within spirals, 245, 420.
Spirit, independent of form, 31.
involution of, 337.
limitations of, in matter, 81.
matter, states of, 179.
meets form, 266.
one, pervading all space, 31, 247.
positive pole of, life, 248.
refracted divisions of, 398.
treasures of, retained from life to life, 431.
Spirit Divine,see Divine Spirit.
Spirit Life,see Life Spirit.
Spirit, Threefold,see Ego.
Spiritual consciousness, highest, 421.
Spiritual force from Sun, 86, 390.
Spiritual growth, 431.
Spiritual perception, faculties of, 25, 41, 480.
of Atlanteans, 294.
Spiritual powers to be regained by man, 300.
Spiritual sight,see Clairvoyance.

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