Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

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Waking consciousness, 74, 83, 300, 415, 420.
Walk, upright, necessary to ego, 86.
War, industrial, more destructive than military, 393.
War between heart and mind, 17, 384, 393.
death as result of, 118.
race spirits instigate, 334.
Warm red blood, and indwelling spirit, 69, 86, 268, 274.
outgoing currents of, 69.
Washington, Booker T., and help given negro race, 313.
Water brings forth life-breathing things, 331.
changed to wine, 169.
earthy matter in, 444.
important in nutrition, 446, 449.
in Atlantean Epoch, 291.
lines of force in, 27.
Water, distilled, valuable, 445, 446.
Wealth, opportunities to serve through, 464
purpose of, 432.
Western peoples, vanguard will offer their bodies as “living
sacrifices, 316.
World, Western, 113, 510, 518, 520, 521, 523, 529.
“Whatsoever a man soweth”, 106.
Wilderness, wandering of Jews in, 335.
Will, an aspect of God, 182, 323.
and experience, 131.
expression of desire body, 394.
first aspect of God, 178, 324.
indispensable soul force in propagation, 284.
male power of, allied to Sun forces, 267.
man frees himself by, 362, 485.
office of, in thought, 89.
power, cultivation of, in Lemuria, 281.
projects ideas into mind, 88.
Wine added to diet, 168.
counterfeit spirit, 169.
evolutionary factor, 165-172.
water changed to, 169.
Wisdom, cosmic, in World of Life Spirit, 398.
an aspect of God, 182, 323.
Eastern, teachings of, misconstrued, 270.
human and animal instinct, 79, 84.
obtained through striving, 22.
second aspect of God, 324.
should guide motion, 324-325.
Wisdom, Lords of,see Lords of Wisdom.

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