Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

each planet has three, 53.
each vibrates at different rate, 187, 375.
evolutionary scheme of, 186-188.
five, field of man’s evolution, 87, 188.
formation of, 187, 375.
higher, created first, 188.
interpenetrate, 53, 55, 187, 233.
logic safest guide in all, 440.
man loses touch with, 294.
seven, vary in density, 29, 54, 186-188.
three densest, comparatively evanescent, 188.
universe divided into seven different, 29.
visible and invisible, 24-55, 186-188.

Yoga systems used in India, 437.

Zodiac and rebirth, 160.
as “clock of destiny”, 163.
of Denderah, 512.
Zodiac, signs of, 221.
Zodiac womb of solar system, 256.
Zohar written by occultists, 319.

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