Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

Ther e we have the abstract truth, as near as we can get
it, of the whole problem of creation. Inside the human body
there is that light shining unto this day, the light that shines
in darkness, the light that is hidden by t he veil of Is is, and all
around us are Spirits dwelling in darkness, unless through
the window of the soul the glories of the universe are
revealed. Then we perceive God as light, everything good as
light, and the opposite as darkness.
Light is not of one color, however, for there are seven
Spirits before the Throne, each one being a light-bearer for a
certain ray. Each one of us comes from one of the rays of
light, and each one can better respond to one of the rays.
Thus we each see Truth differently, and although we are all
gradually moving toward the same source, which is God, we
have, nevertheless, at different times, different viewpoints.
Althou gh we s eem t o b e at variance one wit h anot her, yet in
those five verses of John's Gospel is Truth: that we are all
children of the light. Each one has within the divine spirit of
light; each one is gradually learning to know that light, and
with the help of the exercises, to express more of that light.
The mystic, as he sees the light of the morning dawn,
looks upon it as the daily coming into his soul of the
primordial Creative Fiat, β€œLet there be Light,” and as the
Light of day progresses and gradually wanes in the western
sky, he sees in the glorious tapestry of the sunset a
something beyond description by human tongue, a
something that can be felt by the soul. If we let those five
verses live within us, in the way they do in the mystic, we
too, shall know the light, know the truth, as we know
nothing else in the world.
We have all trodden the different paths of life at some
time. At one time we have walked through Life under the

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