Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

The reader is requested to note carefully that it is the
Forms which degenerate. There is a very important
distinction to be kept in mind between the bodies (or forms)
of a race, and the spirit which is reb orn in thos e race-b odies.
(Cosmo-Conception, page 289)
Max Heindel gives various examples of groups to whom
the integrity of the race was insisted upon. He mentions the
Jews, and other early nations, as well as the Scots, Vikings,
and Germano-Anglo-Saxons. He points out that occult
scientists refer to the Sixteen Races as “the sixteen paths to
destruction”; and Max Heindel wishes that “the reader may
safely pass them all, for their grip is worse than the
retardation in the next revolution.” (Cosmo-Conception,
page 231)
History is full of examples of “man's inhumanity to
man”. All Races have had individuals who have forgotten
their spiritual heritage and have identified themselves with
their Race and or Race-religion-”clinging to it with fanatic
patriotism”. Max Heindel gives the example of the white
races who “have been guilty of fearful oppression against
those other races, having in many cases massacred
multitudes of the defenseless and unsuspecting natives-as
witness the conduct of the Spaniards towards the ancient
Peruvians and Mexicans, to specify but one of many
instances”. (Cosmo-Conception, page 290)
Christ came to prepare the way for the emancipation of
humanity from the guidance of the differentiating Race and
Family spirits, and to unite the whole human family in One
Universal Brotherhood. (Cosmo-Conception, page 352)

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