Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception

(singke) #1

shape as a thought-form by drawing mind-stuff around itself
from the Region of Concrete Thought.
The mind is like the projecting lens of a stereopticon. It
projects the image in one of three directions, according to
the will of the thinker, which ensouls the thought-form.
(1) It may be projected against the desire body in an
endeavor to arouse feeling which will lead to immediate
(a) If the thought awakens Interest, one of the twin
forces, Attraction or Repulsion, will be stirred up.
If Attraction, the centripetal force, is aroused, it seizes
the thought, whirls it into the desire body, endows the image
with added life and clothes it with desire-stuff. Then the
thought is able to act on the etheric brain, and propel the
vital force through the appropriate brain centers and nerves
to the voluntary muscles which perform the necessary
action. Thus the force in the thought is expended and the
image remains in the ether of the vital body as memory of
the act and the feeling that caused it.
(b) Repulsion is the centrifugal force and if that is
aroused by the thought there will be a struggle between the
spiritual force (the will of the man) within the thought-form,
and the desire body. This is the battle between conscience
and desire, the higher and the lower nature. The spiritual
force, in spite of resistance will seek to clothe the thought-
form in the desire-stuff needed to manipulate the brain and
muscles. The force of Repulsion will endeavor to scatter the
appropriated material and oust the thought. If the spiritual
energy is strong it may force its way through to the brain
centers and hold its clothing of desire-stuff while
manipulating the vital force, thus compelling action, and
will then leave upon the memory a vivid impression of the

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