References 87
mentioned in Section 4.3.1, the Hartree approach is good enough for the ground
state of a two-electron system because the two electrons are described by thesame
orbital: antisymmetry is taken into account via the spins which are opposite. The
present program should therefore yield the same result as the previous one but have
the structure of the programs dealing with more electrons or excited states.
The main difference from the previous version is that the arrayQis replaced byQ ̃
in this program, defined in terms of theQprqsas follows:
Q ̃pqrs= 2 Qprqs−Qprsq.
(a) [C] First of all, you can exploit the symmetry in the calculation ofSpqandhpq:
both matrices are symmetric, so you only need to calculate the upper or lower
triangular elements. Implement this in your program.
(b) [C] In order to calculate the matrixQprqsfast, you can restrict the indices to
p≥q,q≥rand ifp=r,q≥s, otherwiser≥s, seeSection 4.7. For each set
ofp,q,r,sin these ranges, seven otherQ-matrix elements having the same
values can then be found because of symmetry. These are:Qqrps,Qpsqr,Qqspr,
(c) [C] Now use the matrix elementsQ ̃pqrsinstead ofQprqsand check that you
obtain the same results as in the previous program.
(d) The fact that usingQ ̃instead ofQleads to the same results is quite surprising,
since it is a different Fock matrix we are diagonalising (you can check this by
printing out the Fock matrices of the old and the present program). Show that if
the vectorChas converged, the results are equivalent (hint: by inspection of the
energy, rather than the Fock matrix).
(e) Exploit the full symmetry of the two-electron matrix elements by distinguishing
all possible cases forp,q,r,sbeing different or equal. Formulate the equations
analogous to Eq. (4.89) for all these cases (there are 14 of them).
(f) [C] Implement these equations into your program.
[1] B. T. Sutcliffe, ‘Fundamentals of computational quantum chemistry,’ inComputational Tech-
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and A. Veillard), Proceedings of the NATO ASI held at Ramsau, Germany, Boston, Reidel, 1975,
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[2] D. R. Hartree,Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc., 24 (1928), 89.
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[4] J. C. Slater,Quantum Theory of Molecules and Solids, vol. IV. New York, McGraw-Hill, 1982.
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[6] A. Szabo and N. S. Ostlund,Modern Quantum Chemistry. London, Macmillan, 1982.
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