Computational Physics

(Rick Simeone) #1

256 Molecular dynamics simulations

att+handt−hafter such a translation can cause severe errors: this should be done
beforemoving the molecule back into the cell.
(a) Implement this algorithm for liquid nitrogen.
The program can be checked by verifying whether the kinetic energies
associated with translational and vibrational degrees of freedom satisfy
equipartition. The total kinetic energyKtotcan be determined as in the argon case
by taking allatomicvelocities into account. From this, the temperature can be
determined asNkBT= 4 / 5 KtotwhereNis the number of molecules. The
translational kinetic energyKtranscan be calculated by taking into account the
molecular velocities (sums of velocities of the two atoms) and the temperature
can be found from this asNkBT= 3 / 2 Ktrans. The average temperatures should be
the same for both procedures.
Check whether this requirement is satisfied.
(b) The virial theorem applies as usual: molecular forces should be used and the
separation occurring in this theorem is the separation between the centres of mass
of the molecules. The correction term is evaluated usingg≡1 for the correlation
function beyond the cut-off distance, where it is assumed thatgis independent of
distance but also of the angular configuration of the molecular pairs.
(c) Calculate the pressure also using the atomic forces (including the constraint
forces), and compare the result with (b).
(d) Calculate the pressure for various temperatures and densities. Cheung and
Powles give extensive data on thermodynamic quantities [46]. The table below
gives some of the data (in reduced units) obtained by Cheung and Powles.


0.6964 2.86 8.35 −17.16
0.6964 1.72 1.29 −18.68
0.6220 2.70 2.50 −15.82
0.6220 2.17 0.27 −16.30

8.8 [C] In this problem, we consider the implementation of the Andersen method for
simulating a system in the canonical ensemble. Remember that the preferred energy
estimator for the Verlet/leap-frog algorithm is



[pi(t+h/ 2 )+pi(t−h/ 2 )]^2

whereRis the combined position coordinate of the system which consists of particles
of massm=1. In view of the form of this estimator, it seems sensible to update the
momenta at the same time instances for which we calculate the positions, and it is
convenient to define theith component of the momentum coordinate at timet:

pi(t)=[pi(t+h/ 2 )+pi(t−h/ 2 )]/2.
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