Computational Physics

(Rick Simeone) #1

264 Quantum molecular dynamics

Energy (a.u.)

1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8












Hartree – Fock data
parabola – best fit
Morse – best fit

Figure 9.1. The effective potential of the hydrogen nuclei in the hydrogen molecule
as a function of the separationX. A harmonic (parabolic) potential and a Morse
potential are fitted to the bottom of the well.

The parametrisation of the forces is often carried out for small deviations of
the configuration from the equilibrium conformation, so that the potential energy
can be approximated quite accurately by harmonic potentials, such as stretching,
bending, and torsional potentials, encountered in Section 8.6.1. The motion can
then be decomposed into normal modes, by defining new coordinates in terms of
which the system can be described as a collection of uncoupled harmonic oscil-
lators. This problem then has an analytic quantum mechanical solution, leading to
discretised energy levels which can be compared with experiment. So, although
the force field method treats the nuclear motion classically, we can obtain quantum
mechanical solutions for thenuclearmotion from it (within a Born–Oppenheimer
In our example of the hydrogen molecule we can fit the bottom of the potential
well shown inFigure 9.1by a harmonic potential. Since the well is rather asymmet-
ric, a more reliable fit is provided by the Morse potential, for which the spectrum is
also known analytically (see Problem A4). For the harmonic approximationκX^2 /2,
the angular frequencyω=

κ/mand the spectral levels are given asω(n+ 1 / 2 ).
For the hydrogen molecule, the mass to be used is the reduced mass, which is
about half the proton mass (i.e. 918.8 electron masses if we neglect the mass of
the two electrons), and we findκ=0.3850 (in atomic units) so that the frequency

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