9.2 The molecular dynamics method 269
so that the energy can be written in terms of theCrkandS:
Etot=Etot({Crk},S). (9.19)
As the basis functions are often centred on the atomic nuclei, they may contain an
explicitS-dependence. Car and Parrinello used the form(9.17)(or(9.19)) with the
constraint(9.6)as a starting point for finding the equilibrium conformation (i.e.
the minimal energy conformation) by locating the minimum of the total energy as
a function of theψk(or theCrk)andthe nuclear coordinatesS. This means that
the electronic structure does not have to be calculated exactly for each conforma-
tion of nuclei, as both the electronic orbitals and the nuclear positions are varied
simultaneouslyin order to locate the minimum.
The minimisation problem of the energy can now be considered as an abstract
numerical problem, and any minimisation algorithm can in principle be applied.
One possible approach is the simulated annealing method[4], which requires only
the energy to be calculated – no force calculations are needed. However, Car and
Parrinello assigned, aside from the time dependence of the nuclear coordinates,
afictitioustime dependence to the electronic wave functions (or, in a linear vari-
ational calculation, theCrk), and constructed a dynamical Lagrangian including the
electronic wave functions and the nuclear coordinateSwith their time derivatives
as the variables. This leads to a classical mechanics problem with the energy(9.17)
acting as a potential. If a friction term is then added to the equations of motion
of this classical system, the degrees of freedom will come to rest after some time,
with values corresponding to the minimum of the classical potential, which is the
energy of the quantum system at the equilibrium configuration of the nuclei. It is
also possible to put the frictional force equal to zero in order to simulate the system
at a nonzero temperature.
The Lagrangian of the classical system reads
ψ ̇k^2 +
R ̇n^2 −Etot(ψk,S)+
(^) kl〈ψk|ψl〉. (9.20)
μis some small mass (see below), andMnis the actual mass of thenth nucleus, with
positionRn. The last term on the right hand side is necessary to ensure orthonor-
mality of theψk; the (^) klmust always be calculated from this requirement. Car
and Parrinello suggested that this Lagrangian can be used not only for finding the
minimum of the total energy, but also for performing real molecular dynamics
simulations at finite temperature. It will be clear that in general, when the nuclei
move, the method might not have produced the minimal energy of the electrons
before the next nuclear displacement: the calculated electronic structure will ‘lag
behind’ the nuclear motion. Although this retardation effect will occur in reality
(the Born–Oppenheimer approximation neglects the fact that the electrons do not