Table 4: Characteristics comparison and analysis among the exist-
ing methods and the proposed method.
Hsieh [ 3 ]
Nyanchama and
Osborn [ 6 ]
Rogue AP △ II
Evil twin △ II
MAC spoofing △ II
DoS attack △ II
Honeypot △ II
Access control with
m-IPS and CRBAC ××I
I:strong,△: medium, and×:weak.
In this paper, the concept and the configuration of a
wireless IPS were discussed, in addition to security threats
devices. Therefore, an efficient and secure mobile-IPS (m-
IPS) has been proposed for businesses utilizing mobile
devices in mobile environments for human-centric com-
puting. This system incorporates temporal-spatial awareness
and checks users’ temporal-spatial information, profiles, and
role information to provide precise access control. This
research is meaningful in that access control is provided by
checking users’ temporal-spatial information, profiles, and
role information, thereby leading to safer use of mobile
devices in offices. To further improve the security of mobile
devices, additional studies on the access modules used with
these devices are necessary.
Conflict of Interests
The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests
regarding the publication of this paper.
This research was supported by the MSIP (Ministry of
Science, ICT and Future Planning), Korea, under the CPRC
(Communications Policy Research Center) support program
supervised by the KCA (Korea Communications Agency)
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