leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

drudgery’ in comparison to the other, more transformational-related statements).
Nonetheless, in the absence of any clear rationale for removing them at this
stage, the items are retained and their performance will be monitored during the

5.2 Interpersonal, group and organisational processes......................

Motivational Leadership

The Motivational Leadership (ML) construct is central to this research insofar as a
core aim is to evaluate the contribution of motivational leadership to individual,
group and organisational outcomes related to customer service in hospitality

Nine of the 12 hospitality research articles (Hinkin and Tracey 1994; Tracey and
Hinkin 1994, 1996, 1998; Whitelaw and Morda 2004; Erkutlu 2008; Hinkin and
Schriesheim 2008; Patiar and Mia 2009; Zopiatis and Constanti 2010) examining
transformational leadership used the Multi-Factor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ)
developed by Bass and Avolio (Bass and Avolio 1989; Bass and Avolio 1995; Bass
and Avolio 1997; Avolio and Bass 2004a).

The MLQ is, however, a proprietary survey instrument and its use requires
permission from, and payment to, the publishers (Mind Garden Inc, Menlo Park,
CA, USA). For this research, rather than simply repeat the items relating to the
Inspirational Motivation (IM) construct in the MLQ, the scale which will be used for
measuring the Motivation Leadership construct is developed from conceptual
descriptions (i.e. not from the MLQ) of the Inspirational Motivational (IM)
dimension of transformational leadership in Bass and Avolio (1990a), Avolio et al.
(1999), Bass (1999), Avolio and Bass (2004a), and Bass and Riggio (2006).

Section 2.4.3 describes how the IM dimension in Bass and Avolio’s (2008) Full-
Range Leadership Model is focused on leaders’ enthusiastic articulation of
organisational/departmental/team vision and goals and their encouragement of
employees towards achieving these goals. It is this vision→goal→effort behaviour
set that has guided the development of the scale for this research.

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