leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

On consideration of the content and characteristics of both models, Wollack et
al.’s set of constructs were recognised as being the most relevant for this
research. Parsimony in the design of the research instrument and the fact that
some of the sub-scales used by Wollack et al. were not directly relevant to this
study led to the decision to reduce their scale down to one item for each of the
sub-scales – following the same logic and based on the same justifications as
described in the Job Satisfaction section above. This decision was made on the
basis that some or all of these items might combine to usefully explain the
variance in a latent variable reflecting respondents’ attitudes to their current job
in terms related to “the meaning that an individual attaches to their role at work”.

Once again, as with the Job Satisfaction construct, the Work Meaning construct
for this research is regarded as a somewhat tentative effort to measure the Work
Meaning construct in a hospitality sample while drawing loosely upon prior theory
from a general organisational psychology source. Figure 5 - 7 describes how
Wollack et al.’s domains and constructs were organised and Figure 5 - 8 illustrates
the items and details for the Work Meaning factor in this research.

Intrinsic domain
Sub-scale Interpretation
Pride in work satisfaction and enjoyment from doing job well
Job Involvement degree to which a worker takes an active interest in co-workers
and company functions and desires to contribute to job-related

a preference by the worker to remain active and busy at their job

Extrinsic domain
Sub-scale Interpretation
Attitude toward

the value an individual places in making money on the job

Social Status of

effect the job on a person's standing among his friends, relatives,
and co-workers
Mixed character domain
Sub-scale Interpretation
Upward Striving continually seeking a higher level job and better standard of living
Responsibility to

recognition of an obligation to work
Source: Wollack et al. (1971)

Figure 5-7 Wollack et al.’s domains and constructs

The scale items described in Figure 5 - 8 have been derived as follows:

 ME1, ME2, ME3 and ME5 all relate to the Intrinsic Domain sub-scales:

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