leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1
b. articulate the likely linkages between variables; and
c. guide the formulation of specific hypotheses;

  1. identify/generate measurement scales for the latent variables;

  2. refine the measurement scales; and

  3. test and evaluate the relationships between variables using survey data
    collected from hotel restaurant waiting staff.

Objective 1 has been satisfied though reviews of the generic and applied
(hospitality) leadership and work motivation research literatures. The theoretical
framework for the research (Objective 2) was developed through the integration
of the findings from the literature reviews with the broader theoretical structures
of work motivation studies and industrial and organisational psychology. The
development of the theoretical framework assisted in the generation of specific
research hypotheses by providing an underpinning rationale for specifying causal
relations based on fundamental principles of industrial and organisational
psychology. The variables (constructs) of interest were operationalised (Objective
3) based on the findings from further interrogations of the applied and generic
leadership, work motivation and organisational psychology literatures.

Objectives 4 and 5 were pursued through the design a survey instrument and the
collection of data from a sample of non-supervisory foodservice employees
(waiting staff) working in table service restaurants in hotels.

The remainder of this chapter describes the design of the survey instrument (a
respondent-completed questionnaire), the refinement of the survey instrument
and the measurement scales and the administration of the questionnaire.

6.5.1 Questionnaire design and refinements

As described above in Chapter 5, the item statements have been generated
according to the advice of Hinkin (1998: 107-108) to (a) keep statements as
short as possible and to (b) ensure that the statement wordings are
understandable to the target population.

To provide independent and external validation of the brevity and clarity of the
item statements, and also an assessment of the face validity (the extent to which
the item statements actually represent the defined construct) a draft

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