leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

from UK Labour Force Survey findings published during 2009 and 2010 (People
1st 2011c).

Table 6 - 1 describes the entire range of descriptive statistics for the sample and
Table 6 - 2 contains the profiles for both the hotels and restaurant sectors and the
waiters category and compares these with the sample characteristics on the key
comparable indicators.

Variable Values Frequency Percentage (valid


Male 93 44.5
Female 116 55.5
Missing 4


18 - 24 114 54.5
25 - 34 70 33.5
35 - 44 12 5.7
45 - 54 7 3.3
55 - 64 6 2.9
Missing 4


Full-time 123 61.2
Part-time 78 38.8
Missing 12


Permanent 152 83.1
Temporary 24 13.1
Seasonal 7 3.8
Missing 30

Time in job

1 to 2 months 24 11.5
3 to 6 months 27 13
6 months to 1

46 22.1
1 to 2 years 45 21.6
More than 2 years 66 31.7
Missing 5

Employee origin

UK 76 36
EU 74 35.1
Non-EU 61 28.9
Missing 2
Total n = 213

Table 6-1 Descriptive statistics for the sample

With regard to gender, males are somewhat over represented in the sample in
comparison to the waiters category, but similar to the figures in the hotel and
restaurant categories. Similarly, regarding employment status (full or part time
employment) the sample characteristics are very close to the People 1st Industry
Profile characteristics for hotels and restaurants but somewhat different compared
to the waiters category where part time workers are significantly under-

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