leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1

context. The operationalisation of DSB (by Simons and Roberson 2003), which is
followed here, measures DSB at the team level. In this research, the JP construct
acts as a corollary to DSB, measuring extra effort at the individual level. JP1, 2
and 3 reflect general Extra Effort following the transformational leadership
literature (see section 2.4.4), but JP4 is specifically worded to encapsulate the
guest/service orientation for the hospitality context. In short, JP4 is the
individual-level counterpart for the DSB construct (in particular, DSB2, 3 and 4;
DSB1 concerns taking guests’ concerns seriously, rather than extra effort)^12.
Accordingly, JP4 is retained on these substantive grounds.

Arising from the examination of the standardised residual covariances (SRCs) was
the large shared SRC between JP4 and DSB4. SRCs of this magnitude should not
remain in the model as they are indicative of a model (or at least part of a model)
that does not fit the data well. The substantive implication of removing DSB4 are
not of great significance as DSB2, 3 and 4 all measure team members’ extra
effort with regard to very similar aspects of customer service. DSB4 is removed
rather than JP4 for the reasons outlined above.

These findings and the actions taken on their basis are summarised in Table 7 - 4.

Item Loading Standardised
residual covariances

Action taken / justification

1.96 >2.58 >4

ML4 0.602 0 2 0 Removedloading + two SRCs >2.58^ from model / moderate

ML5 0.606 0 1 0 Removedloading + one SRCs >2.58^ from model / moderate

JP3 0.556 0 1 0 Removedloading + one SRCs >2.58^ from model / moderate

JP4 0.494 1 2 0 Retainedinterest owing to substantive

DSB4 0.693 0 1 0

Removed from model / one SRCs

2.58 (with JP4); because JP4 is
substantively more important than
DSB4, JP4 is retained
Table 7 - 4 Modifications made to the initially specified measurement
model (CFA 1:1)
DSB1 = My co-workers show they take guests' concerns very seriously;
DSB2 = If one of my co-workers does not know the answer to a guest's question, he or she
makes an effort to find out;
DSB3 = My co-workers go out of their way to deliver a guest's special request; and
DSB4 = If a guest approaches when one of my co-workers is busy, he or she stops
whatever they are doing and talks with the guest

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