leadership and motivation in hospitality

(Nandana) #1
Construct^ Item^ Standardised factor loading estimates

ML1 .904 (^)
ML2 .953 (^)
ML3 .878 (^)
Work Meaning
ME1 (^) .892 (^)
ME3 .87 (^0)
ME6 .778 (^)
Job Performance
JP1 .87 (^1)
JP2 .85 (^5)
JP4 .45 (^7)
Service Behaviour
DSB1 (^). 947
Average variance
extracted (AVE) 0.768^ 0.744^ 0.618^ 0.733^
reliability (CR) 0.908^ 0.897^ 0.819^ 0.843^
Model fit statistics
χ^2 = 35.204; d.f. = 38; sig = 0.599
RMSEA = 0.000 (0.043; 0.000; pclose = 0.980)
CFI = 1.000
SRMR = 0.0336
CN (0.05) = 322

Table 7-12 Estimates for CFA 2:3

Section 5.3 describes how the development of the set of indicator variables for
the Work Meaning construct drew upon Wollack et al.’s (1971) in an exploratory
way. The indicators measure three domains; Intrinsic (ME1, ME2, ME3 and ME5),
Extrinsic (ME4 and ME6) and Upward Striving (ME7). Items ME2 and ME4 were
dropped from the survey following the survey pilot tests (Section 6.5.1).
Following the removal of ME5 and ME7 the remaining items represent the

 ME1 and ME3 – Satisfaction and Enjoyment with Work (Intrinsic); and
 ME6 – Positive Social Status from Work (Extrinsic).

Substantively, then, the Work Meaning construct can now be interpreted as
Satisfaction, Enjoyment and Social Status from Work.

With a satisfactory measurement model, the structural model is now estimated
using the factor structure from Table 7 - 12 and the structural specification
illustrated in Figure 7 - 3 and Figure 7 - 7.

The model fit statistics (Figure 7 - 7 ) indicate that the structural model fits the data
well and all of the structural coefficients are statistically significant. Accordingly,
no further modifications are required. As with CFA 2:3, the critical ratio (C.R.) for
SEM 2:1 is estimated at 14.5; accordingly, the model is re-estimated using

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